Saturday, November 29, 2014

Shock and awe! I got stuff done

Thanksgiving is over.  Now is the season where my family believes that knitting needles are grafted to my fingers like some sort of homebody RieRie Scissorshands.
-Three pair of fingerless mitts made, 3 hats completed, another pair of mitts on the needles.  2 more pair of mitts, 2 more hats, 3 pair socks, and  a pair of slippers on my list.  I'm an idiot.
-The bestie and I got the loom and a large shelving unit moved out to the shed today.  Could not have tackled it by myself.  Thank you so much!!  Now I can start weaving as soon as the list above is finished.
-20 jars of syrup canned today,  a dozen were juices from the pressing of fruit bound for the dehydrator the others are a heavy syrup mint infusion for treating stomach aches and coughs. The mint grows right beside the house.  Most of the ailments the hedgekids fall victim to don't require heavy medicine.  A bit of mint syrup helps and a snuggle and hug take care of the rest.  And if they still have a problem post syrup, I know it's real and not just a play for attention (cause they already got that)
- Tomorrow I'll might do pumpkin pickles.  Sticky Mud Dude procured Jabba the Squash for me.  This hubbard squash must be 20 pounds of grey warty goodness with a future as pickles and dehydrated squash shreds.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Don't Quilt

So, it;s the evening before Halloween and my mother wants to order Christmas cards for the family.  She comes in and says, "You'll like this one, it has candles and a quilt", and leaves the room.

I don't quilt.

 I weave. I knit, I crochet, I felt, I tat (a little bit), I sew.

Still don't quilt.

I want the cards with the cardinals on them.